The next cool thing is: we decided to do front yard artwork in 2005 or 2006. You can see three stumps and some rocks behind the bench. That is StumpHenge. Here is a close up pic below, where you can see the stumps and how the rocks and crystals (which we got at a geologist's garage sale) were placed around them...
- The pine needles still makes a nice ground carpet.
- The bench we put around the pine tree needed to go soon so the tree could keep growing.
- The garden didn't maintain its initial neat appearance, but still had its cool (at least in our opinions)....
- ... We noticed my favorite thing a few years ago. The stonecrop sedum we planted under the pine became a feeding hot spot for bumble bees in September and October (depending on temps). In its small area I have counted over 20 bumble bees and friends on this one group of plants (pictured below).
Type at ya later,