Ever had that day when you looked out the window and said CRAP!!! ... DOUBLE CRAP!!! Where did all that snow and ice come from!?! NOT, PREPPED, FOR WINTER. Not a good feeling. Caught with your pants down & and ice dangling from the sensitive bits.
This is a friendly reminder to get ready. I have a few tips here & if you really want to be ready to ride the storm out here is a link for our Prepare for Power Outage page,
OK... 1 tip...
IF you have a wood burning stove, get the wood ready NOW. Mine has been delivered but I still need to stack it, split enough kindling to last for 5-6 months & split enough wood so we have smaller pieces to get the box hot enough to burn the bigger stuff. with my work scheduel it's going to take me at least 2 weeks if I'm lucky, chances are it will be done around early October.
Yep, I am supposed to stack some of the wood in this area. I weed whacked and mowed so I could find the actual ground. | Yep, the kindling is looking lite too. Whats in there is about 8-10 full wheelbarrows. I'm guessing at least 12+ hrs of work. |
It's better to be ready than sorry, just sayen...
Type at ya later...