Bear here... Time to celebrate. Spring is here. It's fertility time. Time to get the seeds in the ground and harvest the early crops. (For more thoughts on the season, see our Celebrate Late Spring page.) My inner shelf chef celebrates by cookin' decadent breakfasts. GOTTA LOVE THE DECADENT WEEKEND BREAKFASTS! Saturday we had leftover grill bread and ambrosia with eggs. Sunday we had "kinda grilled" lamb steaks, eggs, and salad. A quick "how to" section will follow the "shout out" section. SHOUT OUT TO (aka, Big Thank You!):
The Quick How to:
Saturday morning's breakfast was grill bread from Friday night's leftovers reheated in the oven. For instructions on grilling bread, see my Grilled Pizza page. This is Friday's grill bread:
This is the first time we tried reheating grill bread (there aren't usually leftovers). For a crispier crust, reheat at 400 degrees. For a softer crust, try 350. Theresa recommends the crispy crust.
Sunday's "kinda grilled" Lamb steaks:
Type at ya later... |