Ever want to visit us, in Wisconsin, and see the yarden? Now you can!!!
We are doing a tour on Sat., August 10th, from 11:00 am to 1 pm. (If you need directions contact us through our website contact form.) We're planning to have a potluck afterwards. (We will have hot dogs and hamburgers. The grill will be open to anyone who wants to grill with Bear. Do you want to grill some plants? We can do that! ) Bring chairs and a dish if you want to hang out by the bonfire and eat after the tour....
For the outside... We will be discussing permaculture, gardening for wildlife, catios, etc...
Inside... cooking methods, being debt free (and our buy nothing challenge), wood stove cooking and more...
If it rains, we will probably cancel or postpone.
Hope to see you!
Bear & Theresa...