Cooking Breakfast on a Wood Heat Stove:
1. Pre-heat skillet on the sweet (hottest) spot on top of the wood stove. Using a lid will make it heat faster.
2. When skillet is hot, add turkey bacon, replace lid. Leftover cooked rice is being warmed in skillet on the lower left edge- it won't get as hot because it is further away from the sweet spot. Two ice cubes full of chopped chives from our garden are also melting there.
3. When bacon is done, move it to the warming skillet and put rice on the sweet spot so that it can finish heating. I added fresh chopped onions from our pantry and a couple sprigs of fresh chopped rosemary from our indoor potted plant.
4. When rice is hot and onions are cooked, add two eggs, already beaten, and cook until desired consistency is reached.